Monday 9 October 2017

How To Achieve Your Dreams With AIM Global

Abraham Lincoln said “The best way to predict the future is to create it”. And Eleanor Roosevelt stated that “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream”.
How about you? How do you see your future? What are your dreams? Is it the beautiful home? Is it luxury cars? Is it to have financial and time freedom? Is it to pay off your debt? Is it to travel and see the world?
Dreams are very important to us and give us motivation and something to pursue. Dreams inspire us. Dreams give us reason to live. But how are you going to achieve your dreams?
What is your plan? Because having dreams without any clear plan on how to achieve them is as good as day dreaming and wishful thinking.
So, let’s discuss some of the plans that people have to get their dreams.
To get a job in a stable company and work for the next 40 years. Fact is when you work for someone else you have a very slim chance to become financially independent and have a very little control over your future. You are always at the mercy of your boss. You are subject to wage freeze and face the possibility of being stagnant in the same position for years. If your dreams are really big employment or owning a job is not a very good plan.
How about starting a business or buying a franchise? If you can raise the large capital to start a big business this could be a big plan for you to get your dreams but this comes with a lot of challenges and headaches such as having to pay overhead expenses, salaries, rent, utilities and the possibilities of having to deal with a lot of unpredictable situation like calamities and human factor such as employee not showing up for work.
Some people think of winning the lottery to get their dreams. This could be possible but the chance is very slim since statistic show is more likely to be hit by lightning twice than to hit the jackpot. Not a very sound method if you want to achieve your dreams.
How about investment? The thing about this plan is you must have the money which happens to be your problem in the first place.
Some people plan to become celebrity to get their dreams. Well, this can really bring you fortune and fame but consider other challenges which you have to go thru even if you have the talent and skills. This plan is not realistic to great majority of people.
Now there is another plan I’ll like you to consider to achieve your dreams.
A PROVEN and EFFECTIVE plan without the same challenges with the plan we just considered. I’ll like you to consider ALLIANCE IN MOTION GLOBAL plan. With our plan you don’t need any business or sales experience. You are your own boss. You decide when you work and you determine your income.
There is no risk in our plan because you can start without leaving your job. In our plan you will have the opportunity to earn in different countries while staying in your home town.
Our plan has three distinct compensation plans that benefit you to earn from seven different income sources. Our plan allows you to enjoy stress free life style as you enjoy both financial and time freedom.
So, why would you consider our plan?
What is Alliance in Motion Global (AIM Global)?
Firstly, let me introduce to you our company. AIM Global was incorporated in March 2006 in Quezon city Philippines and since then it has established itself in more than 100 branches all over the Philippines and in different countries such as Hawaii, Taiwan, Dubai, Singapore, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and Kuwait and continue to expand globally.
It is duly registered in the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Trade and Industry and the Philippines Food and Drug Administration. It has earned distinction and recognition from several prominent industry bodies including abroad for its excellent and phenomenal growth. It leads to Network Marketing industry with its distinctive marketing strategies, exemplary leadership and excellent product lines.
In September, 2013, it was awarded by the Multi-level Marketing Association (MLMIA) an association of MLM and direct sales company worldwide with its strong link connected to the advancement of rapidly growing network marketing industry as the fastest emerging company in Asia.
The first ever award given to 100% Philippines own company. As at 2013 AIM Global has further improved its infrastructure to support growing demand of its product worldwide by building its own manufacturing facility for its beverage production as well as acquiring its own corporate head quarters on exceptional feet for an MLM direct sales company that started barely nine years ago.
Since its establishment in 2006 AIM Global has created more than 1500 self made multi millionaires proving it has an effective system of turning people from all walks of life to extra ordinary individuals.
AIM Global was founded by three young dynamic and successful network marketing distributors headed by the visionary president and CEO Dr. Ed Cabantog awarded among the Philippines 10 most outstanding entrepreneurs of 2010 by the Entrepreneur Magazine Philippines and recognized by the MLMIA as among the best of the best in the industry.
John Asperin (Vice President–Sales and Marketing). A dynamic and charismatic leader. A millionaire maker in the MLM Industry.
Francis Miguel (Vice President–Finance) known as a “mentor of all mentors” because of his unmatched experience in the field of network marketing he was recognized as one of the most outstanding businessmen in his hometown.
The vast experience and passion of these leaders coupled with the innovative spirit has catapulted AIM Global to unprecedented height breaking previous record held by pioneer in the industry.
It is important to known that the plan to achieve your dreams is partner with dedicated people who have the integrity and passion to make sure your dream continues.
The company also believes in the value of sharing and giving. In 2007, just a year after the company was formed Alliance Foundation established to carry out the company social responsibility. The foundation focuses its charitable effort to different settles of the society especially the orphans and hospitalized children. They settle the abandoned elderly, the poorest community and the victim of calamities.
Let us now go to the Products.
For over 9 years AIM Global has partnered only with the best manufacturers in the health food industry. AIM Global has been in partnership with Nature’s way for the last several years in providing only the best possible nutritional products for human consumption. Over the last 4 decades Nature’s Way has pioneer more than just herbal and nutritional science. The company is recognized leader, among the entire nutritional and dietary supplement in US America and is one of the largest technologically advanced dietary supplement manufacturer in US. It is a multibillion dollars company and is the first in the industry. It is the first major certified organic producer and the first to bring first European Phytomedicine in the market.
In 2012, AIM Global has partnered with another giant in the nutritional science industry based in Europe – DSM (Bright science. Brighter living).
DSM is a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials. It is billion Euros a year company headquartered in Heerlen, Netherlands, with large plants and offices in France, Germany and Switzerland. It has over 24,500 strong workforces around the globe.
DSM Nutritional products is the leading supplier of nutritional ingredients (including vitamins, carotenoids, omega’s, food/feed enzymes, cultures, yeasts, nutraceuticals) for food and nutritionals industries worldwide.
DSM develops products that undergoes numerous human clinical trials to prove its potency and efficacy, and has a growing list of natural products that have approved therapeutic claims.
For over eight years Alliance in Motion Global has laid the foundation for its distributors to build the solid business based on excellent products. Products which are unique, exclusive and consumable comes with assurance of steady repeat of business and at the same time universal which mean practically it is for everyone. The products are approved in nine countries.
In addition our products earned several recognitions including the consumer choice award. Our products include nutritional products that promote and maintain a healthy body and beverages such as alkaline coffee, chocolate drink and natural juice drink that promote cardiovascular health.
Another thing I’ll like you to see is our Marketing Plan.
Our compensation plan provides our distributors with a different income sources.
Let’s discuss a few of them.
Distributors earn a retail profit of 25% – 50% as they market the products to consumers in addition to that our distributors get compensated based on the 3 unique marketing plans when they sponsor and build their network namely; the binary, the unilevel and stair step program. This is quite unique from other companies which normally calculated their compensation based on one type of marketing plan. This makes AIM Global marketing plan more lucrative.
Moreover, our distributors have a chance to qualify for the annual profit sharing where huge profit of our yearly sales is divided among our qualify distributors.
There are also travel incentives for various destinations including the US, Europe and Asia. Our distributors can earn an all expense paid trip to go to these exciting places.
One of the best thing about our opportunity is you can pass unto your children the business that you build and they continue to earn the income generated by your down lines. This simply means as you build your business with AIM Global you also create a financial legacy for your loved ones.
When you consider the advantages of AIM Global in terms of Management, Products and Marketing plan there is no wonder why thousands of people are able to change their lives and realize their dreams using AIM Global plan.
Now let’s get back to your dreams. When do you plan to look for other opportunities to get your dreams? Do you want to explore other possibilities or would you rather stay in your comfort zone? Are you open minded and would like to try something new?
I invited you to join AIM Global by learning more about our opportunity so that together we can start working on our dreams now.
In closing, considering this quote from Steve Job “Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinion drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
So follow your dreams. Decide now for your future. At AIM Global we’ll help you build the life that you and your family deserve.

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