Frequently Asked Questions About AIM Global – FAQs

How much does it cost to start this business?
With as little as Ksh 23,000, you can start this business and generate residual income for yourself and your family.
Are you sure there is no hidden quota in your compensation plan aside from the ones explained?
Someone said you do not have Autoship, is that true?
Yes we do not have compulsory autoship. Our compensation plan is the best in the world because it puts the distributor in the driving seat of his/her business – you decide what you want and how you want it done.
How do you move products when there’s no “compulsory autoship” on monthly basis?
This is where every other companies get it confused because AIM Global compensation plan makes it easier for anybody, even a commoner, to become an extraordinary millionaire in a short time just by studying the plan and maximizing it. Because we have an excellent product line coupled with a rewarding and powerful compensation plan, and to end it with an amazing DAILY PAYOUT policy, it becomes very much easier for our partners to get people interested in their business because of the track record.
What is required of me to earn in the Alliance In Motion Global compensation plan?
You need just 2 people to start smiling to the bank in our company. You need one person at the right and the other on the left. As soon as you have these people, you are on your way to the top.
Can I open account in my kids name?
Yes you can, but you cannot withdraw from the accounts until he/she turns 18. Our business model is for serious minded future builders around the world and it enable you to create a legacy and a brighter future for your loved ones.
Can I have multiple accounts?
Yes. An individual can have up to 7 accounts each ksh23,000 with their names under the Alliance In Motion compensation plan condition. However, this does not guarantee automatic success in the business. Success is guaranteed when you input the required efforts into your business.
Will I be able to travel abroad with my family when I achieved the US and Philippine trips?
No. AIM Global will be responsible for your entry Visa and every other expenses alone.
Can I administer your products to my kids?
All of our products can be administered to younger kids except C24/7 because it contains longevity polyphenols and anti-aging components. The Alkaline coffee which happens to be the first ever alkaline coffee in the whole world  contains a blend of Complete Phyto-Energizer to help supply enough nutrients to your children.
How do you pay commission and bonuses to partners or how do I withdraw my earnings?
We operate a 100% no-delay, no hold bar policy on paying our members all over the world, and this is why we are the only network marketing company in Africa that is paying on a daily basis.
I heard AIM Global is in over 20+ countries of the world, will I be able to do my business in these countries without having to register again?
What is the implication of having single accounts?
It is quite simple, when you have single account, your earning potentials are limited to that one accounts. But when you have multiple directly placed under you #1 account, you’ll be earning from all the other multiple sources whenever there are registrations under your network.

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